Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Elemental Magic Part 2 - FIRE

I am an aries child. For the majority of the time I am a big ball of firey energy - my mother says that everything is 'all or nothing' with me. I don't know how true that is but I have always had a great connection to that fire energy. I love to watch it dance and change and eat through a log or completely destroy a piece of paper. My fascination isn't with starting fires or trying to make them burn off my eyebrows. I love to watch a fire do its own thing. Fire is alive.

It is the spark of creation, the passion and drive to achieve and a destructive force that leaves nothing in its wake - not just a terrible thing to be feared. All ellements have their destructive qualities and where would we be without the hearth or light or the sun? Where would we be without passion? I love the amazing duality in this element. Fire is love and hate; war and creation; life and death, but always, it is the interplay of energy. Energy constantly changes form, our world is a closed curcuit where energy is never removed only reused.

For me the best way to call in fire magic is by focusing on the interplay of energies. Fire magic is dancing, eating and making love. It is potent and powerful and instantaneous.

Traditionally fire is the element of the east. It's tarot symbol is the wand and red is it's dedicated color.
I have learnt that fires excess energy needs an outlet otherwise it has the potential to seep out in negative ways, and it is this energy that keeps me moving, changing and creating.

1 comment:

  1. I would definitely say you are a fire child, from your great energy to your early-on love of candles.
