Sunday, February 20, 2011

Elemental Magic Part 1 - AIR

"One of the simplest and most enjoyable ways of making air magic is to breathe" -Phyllis Currot

This month I have decided to begin treating my body as a temple. Among other things I have been excercising I run every other morning and I have joined a yoga class once a week. Both of these activities are teaching me about the act of breathing. They are uniquely different styles of physical activity and therefor my interaction with air is completely different, however being concious of the way you are breathing is a crucial part of each activity.

I think that's the point; for the majority of the time breathing, for most people, is unconcious and taken for granted. In begining these two activities I am learning that breathing is an amazing way to achieve a meditative state.

Air is the element of the mind; of intellect and inspiration; of thought. It makes sense that by bringing focus to the way we interact with the air around us we may then enter a world in our minds. This is fantastic new for me because I have really struggled with trying to meditate at home. Even when my daughter, Violet, is sleeping my mind stays with her and I can't let go. Through focusing on my breath I have rediscovered meditation.

Traditionally air is the element of the east. It's tarot symbol is the sword and yellow is it's dedicated color. When performing a ritual, air is the element I call upon when I need freedom, clarity and space and when I do breath work I gain this and more. I am learning that the most simplest of rituals can sometimes be the most effective.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this Abigail.
    I'm trying to bring more consciousness to my everyday life and awareness of our breath is a very effective way to bring this into play.
    Look foward to reading your next blog. :)
