Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Beginning.

It is two days before the Moon is full. Outside the rain pelts down despite the shoulder to shoulder blue sky we had today. It is the middle of Febuary and the seasons are coming all at once. I am forever amazed at the natural world, the interactions and the sights and smells. Our planet is a living breathing organism and She holds amazing power and endless potential.

That is the basis of my spirituality, the core of where I am coming from. I look at the world, my perception of how it should be, and I see magic everywhere. There are, of course, other aspects to my spiritual journey; I don't believe anything so complex can be expressed in such a succinct paragraph. I remember the first pagan gathering I went to - it's not important what or where or when - but I remember looking around and feeling the energy in the room and I was overwhelmed with a complete sense of homecoming. I felt comfortable and I couldn't believe there were gatherings like this or that I had never known about them.

The next few years were amazing in my personal developent. Perhaps it was due to my age, but I think this new awareness of my spiritual self had a definite influence on the person I became. I find paganism empowering like nothing else I have experienced. I have had a lot of ups and downs since venturing out to find other people who share a common thread in there journeys. Something I have learnt, that I think is very important when following a spirituality that is so fluid, is to always come back to yourself. The need to check in with where you sit with your own core beliefs and values from time to time is neccessary because other people can teach, but only you choose what you take on board and what you cast aside. This life is about your journey, your lessons and your experiences. Guidance is important, but what it comes down to is you.

I am a woman. I am a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a lover. I am a witch. I celebrate the cycles of my world and the realms of spirituality that resonate in my soul. This is the path I am on.

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