Monday, May 23, 2011

Wisdom on the Wind

Today has been one of those wonderfully windy days, the days when you are constantly reminded of the wind, regardless of whether you are inside or outside, even while I type I can hear it beating on the windows and moving through the trees.This morning, as I was walking with Violet, we were swept up in a particularly large gust of wind; big, dry, brown leaves swirled around us and up, high into the sky.

That is, by far, my favourite thing about Autumn and it is sad that it has taken me until this far into the season to experience it. Those wonderful gusts of wind make me feel weightless, as though I too could be carried away to some unknown place. I have experienced gusts of wind like this every Autumn since I can remember and they always fill me with such joy and optimism. I believe they are full of energy and remind me that change is coming and inevitable. It's exciting.

So what changes are coming my way? What secrets are whispered, or howled upon the wind? Tonight I shall take time to sit and listen to the knowledge brought to me on the wind. I will ask the questions that arise in my mind and I will attempt to gain clarity and calm in regards to the changes taking place around me. I am feeling a little lost at this exact point in time - I am adrift without much to anchor me, and so  tuning into the magic of the universe and, more specifically, the knowledgeable element of air is exactly what I need.

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